10 Sci-fi Movies Similar to William Gibson’s Neuromancer

Ghost in the Shell

Jodorowsky’s “Dune”, the monumental groundbreaking motion picture never made, wasn’t the end of the “Dune” adaptation project. Of course, David Lynch’s version is considered a big disappointment, but regardless, one of the greatest science fiction novels ever written got its own feature film. It’s too bad that another sci-fi milestone, William Gibson’s cyberpunk trademark novel […]

The 10 Best LGBT Movies of The 2010s (So Far)


In the early 1990s, academic B.Ruby Rich coined the term “New Queer Cinema” in “Sight and Sound” magazine to describe the movement of queer independent filmmaking. The term “queer” was used to include gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender identities and experiences, along with fluid sexuality and non-traditional understandings of sexuality. The term has evolved with […]

The 10 Best Movies That Question Man’s Importance in the Universe


Mankind has always pondered the meaning of his existence. Different thinkers throughout history have sought to establish man as maintaining a unique and significant status in the cosmos. Theologians imagine that man is created in the image of God, thus he derives his value from his likeness to a perfect being. Aristotle argued that man […]

15 Camera Shots Every Movie Fan Should Know

An essential part of making a movie memorable is striking the viewer with unusual camera shots and movements. When the first movies were made moving the camera or placing it in a peculiar way weren’t contemplated as options, but directors soon started to experiment with movement and other techniques; as the cameras became easier to […]