Most Hollywood films have non-invasive scores, created by composers who like to stay in their post-romantic comfort zone. Sometimes it can also be ambient or post-minimalist, like Hans Zimmer’s score for “Interstellar”. That includes typical narrative motives, like epic horns in dramatic action scenes and heartbreaking strings in sentimental moments. It isn’t a bad thing […]
Author: Michal Weicher
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10 Sci-fi Movies Similar to William Gibson’s Neuromancer

Jodorowsky’s “Dune”, the monumental groundbreaking motion picture never made, wasn’t the end of the “Dune” adaptation project. Of course, David Lynch’s version is considered a big disappointment, but regardless, one of the greatest science fiction novels ever written got its own feature film. It’s too bad that another sci-fi milestone, William Gibson’s cyberpunk trademark novel […]
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The 10 Best Modern Ambient Films

Ambient cinema has its roots in the modernist cinema of artists such as Michelangelo Antonioni, Andrei Tarkovsky or Yasujiro Ozu. This kind of filmmaking had its revival in the work of many postmodern authors at the end of the century. This may have come from the lectures of Ihab Hassan’s on postmodern fiction. His vision […]