The World Cinema Project is a special program of the Film Foundation which works to restore and preserve lost or overlooked works of cinema from across the globe. Founded by filmmaker Martin Scorsese at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival, the World Cinema Project has restored over forty films to date, generally from parts of the […]
Author: Colton Peregoy
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10 Great Genre Movies Made By Auteur Directors

Many cinephiles most enjoy the work of auteur filmmakers, whose films are highly creative and uncompromised from their unique visions and perspectives. Mainly codified during the early years of the French New Wave, auteur filmmaking really has existed throughout the history of cinema across the globe. Some of the greatest genre films have been directed […]
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10 Great Asian Horror Movies You May Have Never Seen

Since the birth of cinema the horror genre has been largely explored through its methods of evoking fear and suspense for entertainment purposes. Some of cinema’s most iconic moments have been born from the scenes, characters, music, and settings of horror films from disparate times throughout cinema’s history. The massive continent of Asia has been […]
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10 Great Western Movies On Amazon Prime You May Have Missed

The Western genre has been a popular exploration of filmmaking since the birth of cinema. The sprawling landscapes and epic tales of the genre lend themselves to great interpretation, as seen through the multitude of sub genres that have stemmed from the Western in the past fifty-plus years. Now available to stream on Amazon Prime […]
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10 Great Recent Western Movies On Netflix You May Have Missed

The myth of the American West is one that has been constantly reexamined since the birth of cinema. The vast landscapes and sweeping tales of the West fluidly lend themselves to reinterpretations of the past through filmmaking. While many classic Western films by the likes of Leone the Coen Brothers are currently available on Netflix, […]
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All 20 Best International Film Oscar Winners of The 21st Century Ranked

While the Academy Awards have always been favorable towards English language films, it has also honored some of cinema’s most iconic international films since the Academy first created a separate category for foreign language films in 1956. Filmmakers including the likes of Almodovar, De Sica, and Kurasowa have all received the Academy Award for Best […]