The 10 Best Scenes in The Movies of Brian De Palma

Mission Impossible (1996) Breaking into Langley

Suspense is the scene-by-scene concentration of Aristotle’s Fear and Pity. We know something terrible is about to happen, we can’t do anything about it, but we’re compelled to keep watching. Suspense, being heightened drama, is a central and cathartic component of the thriller. Brian De Palma began making films in the sixties, under the influence […]

20 Under-The-Radar 1980s Movies You Might Not Have Seen

forgotten 80s sci-fi movies

If it wasn’t for the “B Movie” phenomena, many A-List actors might have not gained much attention from high caliber directors and producers. These particular films usually have a low budget, but possess a certain amount of originality because of various short comings, like plot plausibility, poor acting and cheap effects. Regardless, some develop cult […]

15 Intelligent Sci-Fi Movies That Challenge You To Think

For a long time now, science fiction has been synonymous with Michael Bay-esque explosions, alien invasions and super-powered humans with futuristic gadgets. For most of these films, the sci-fi aspect only exists to make the action sequences cooler, and cooler scenes mean more profits. But there are movies that embrace the science in science fiction […]