The 20 Most Underappreciated Movies of The Hollywood Golden Age

An exceptionally rich and cherished period in American Film History, Classic Hollywood brought us many timeless and unforgettable gems, such as Casablanca and Gone with the Wind, just to mention a couple. Unfortunately, their world-wide fame and acclaim has somewhat overshadowed other great achievements in filmmaking from the era. This article lists only 20 productions […]

30 Lesser Known Japanese Cult Films That Are Worth Your Time

Samurai Zombie

Japan is probably the country that has made the most cult films, a fact that could be attributed to the following reasons: 1.Artistic tradition, particularly the ero-guro movement. 2.History, with the violent transition from the samurai era to the contemporary one, and the nightmare caused by the aftermath of the atomic bomb. 3.The tolerance and […]

The 12 Best Period Horror Movies of All Time

The great works of horror delve deep into the darker elements of human nature. For Lovecraft, it was the sheer magnitude of our insignificance in the face of the icy void, ‘pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars.’ Whilst Goya’s grotesque compositions reveal a doomed inner battle between man’s reason and his madness. Since […]

The 10 Best Movies About The Financial Crisis

best movies about financial crisis

It’s hard to overstate the cataclysmic impact of the 2008 global financial crisis on the economy of the United States and the rest of the world. The stock markets of countries around the globe cratered into oblivion, homeowners found themselves out on the streets, long-time employees packed their boxes and hit the unemployment lines. The […]