The Coen Brothers are master storytellers that possess a cinematic and narrative genius that is unparalleled in contemporary American Cinema. Their films are mazes, riddled with irony and brimming with paradoxical narrative elements. They dip their audience into a postmodern labyrinth teaming with abstract meaning. As a result, viewers get caught into a near maddening […]
The Big Lebowski
The 10 Most Intriguing Supporting Characters in “The Big Lebowski”

Although it tanked at the box office when it was originally released in 1998, “The Big Lebowski” went on to become a cult classic. Over 15 years later, the little film about a pot-smoking layabout / bowling enthusiast caught on in a big way, spawning its own annual festival and even a philosophical movement (“Dudeism”). […]
R.I.P. Ben Gazzara

A little bit too late for the news but just a memorial post for this great actor Ben Gazzara.I actually don’t remember your name but your face is familiar enough for me. Ben Gazzara films I have seen: Opening Night Buffalo ’66 The Big Lebowski Dogville Paris,Je t’aime I know I must have missed some major […]