When I heard that today is famous French actor Michel Piccoli‘s 87th birthday, my first reaction was “What? He’s that old?”. Then I remembered that he had a cameo in the most controversial film of the year – Leos Carax’s Holy Motors, he played the boss who only appeared very briefly in a limousine scene, it was […]
Cinema Charmers
Tatsuya Nakadai, Happy Birthday!

Today marks the 80th birthday of the legendary Japanese actor Tatsuya Nakadai, who was most famously known as the leading man of Akira Kurosawa’s late films like Ran and Kagemusha. Unlike another well-known Japanese actor Toshiro Mifune, who was criticized as “only being able to act Samurai well”, Nakadai has a wider range in his performances. […]
R.I.P. Ben Gazzara

A little bit too late for the news but just a memorial post for this great actor Ben Gazzara.I actually don’t remember your name but your face is familiar enough for me. Ben Gazzara films I have seen: Opening Night Buffalo ’66 The Big Lebowski Dogville Paris,Je t’aime I know I must have missed some major […]
A Tale of Two Ingies

I recently watched 2 films starred Ingrid Bergman(one of my favorite actress),they are Gaslight and Under Capricorn. I always got the wrong impression that Gaslight is directed by Alfred Hitchcock,and I was unaware of it until I got both films mentioned above during my last dvd hunting.I know that Ingrid had only worked with Hitch […]