15 Cult Movie Classics You’ve Probably Never Seen

Many cult movies have managed to gain critical success over the last years, but some of them are still unknown masterpieces waiting for the time to shine. Here is a list of 15 cult gems, that have either been forgotten or criminally underrated.   15. Singapore Sling (1990) Written and directed by Nikos Nikolaidis, this […]

10 Great Movies With a Perfect Balance of Comedy and Tragedy

Human emotions comprise a maze which even the most brilliant minds have been unable to completely map. Emotions can be defined and listed, but their triggers and origins remain eternally unclear. Even the most stoic among us are occasionally confronted with our human susceptibility to unpredictable feelings that arise at inopportune times. Films have a […]

The 10 Most Anticipated Foreign Language Movies of 2019

Famous Film Theorist and The co-founder of the influencing “Cahiers du cinéma” believed that “The cinema makes an imprint of the duration of the object”, that it embraces the objective reality of both the fictional and real world around it, even if confronted with cinematic manipulation like the montage. Russian realist Andrei Tarkovsky approved: Cinema […]