Classics tend to be the films that have (or will) stand the test of time – films that shaped culture or defined it, films that solidified cinematic language, films that told stories for generations to come. At this point, there’s a general cinematic canon that people consider to be all-time “classics” – whether that’s determined […]
Author: Mason Dickerson
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10 Movies That Tried Too Hard To Be Cool

Every movie, to some extent, tries. Effort is fundamental to any worthwhile or meaningful art. Most of the worst films ever made are the ones that just truly didn’t try. Then there the films that tried just a little too hard. The ones that got a little too excited. The ones that bit off a […]
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10 Beautiful Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Film is, fundamentally, built to make us feel. At its best, its a sensory experience that allows us a greater understanding of ourselves, the world around us, and our fellow man. One of the ways we can best feel through film, or any art, is with the presence of beauty. Beauty, particularly in filmmaking, can […]
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10 Great Movies That Are Felt Rather Than Understood

Film is, traditionally, a medium for storytelling. When watching a film, one usually expects to be able to comprehend the narrative and message of the film (if there is one) on a purely mental level. There are many films, however, that breach far beyond conventional narrative structure or logic. Some films don’t have a definitive […]
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10 Great Cult Movie Classics You’ve Probably Never Seen

Cult cinema is an extremely broad term. By definition, cult classics are films that have acquired a subculture or a following that keep the film alive for the years to come. These films are often unsuccessful or misunderstood upon initial release, but gain more traction within certain communities of film watchers later on. Many cult […]