The lines between movies and videos games have become a lot less blurred in recent times, with modern video games becoming much more narratively driven than ever before. Further to this, many developers have even created video games based on famous movies, with some telling a new unique story from within the same universe and […]
Author: Jason Lovell
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The 10 Most Anticipated Movies of Summer 2017

Now that the Oscars are out if the way, we can look forward to the time of the year in which movie studios tend to release their big budget action blockbusters. Where Oscar season is a time for actors and directors to flaunt their talents – like a overachieving child desperate for for more accolades […]
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The 10 Best Horror Movie Plot Twists of All Time

Everyone loves a good plot twist, especially in the case of Horror movies where a good twist can mean the difference between a mediocracy and greatness. Playing the game of whodunit is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the horror genre, especially when your prediction plays out on the screen almost as if you […]
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15 Famous Movies That Broke World Records

Making and breaking records is a pastime which dates back thousands of years. From the ancient Greeks to modern day, breaking a record is seen as a true measurement of success in a particular field. In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver – the managing director of Guinness Breweries – conceived the idea of the ‘Guinness Book […]
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10 Failed Movies With Good Premises That Should Be Remade

In modern day cinema, it is becoming increasingly difficult to create original content. One of the ways in which movie studios attempt to combat this is to remake classic movies. The logic does make sense, remaking a movie which is much loved seems like a fool proof plan, but, what studios fail to consider is […]