It is not uncommon to hear or read the statement that no British film is complete without at least one ‘pub scene’, for the most part this may well appear true. The ‘pub’, short for public house is an establishment licensed to sell alcoholic drinks, a relaxed, social environment and a prominent part of British […]
Author: George Cromack
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10 Reasons “The Wizard of Oz” is Actually a Cult Film

Anyone can be forgiven for thinking MGM’s 1939 musical ‘masterpiece’ The Wizard of Oz (based on L.Frank Baum’s 1900 children’s novel ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’) was an instant mainstream classic. However, MGM invested what was at the time their largest budget ever ($3 million) only to fail to see any healthy financial return or […]
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10 Lessons “Being John Malkovich” Can Teach You About Scriptwriting

Released in 1999, Being John Malkovich was the debut feature film for both its director Spike Jones and scriptwriter Charlie Kaufman. Craig Swartz (John Cusack) is an out of work puppeteer who takes a job at an office, eventually discovering a portal which leads into the mind of actor John Malkovich (the actor performing as […]
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10 Lessons “Citizen Kane” Can Teach You About Scriptwriting

Released in 1941 Citizen Kane would eventually go on to be known as the ‘greatest film of all time’, it made a star of its director (also lead actor & ‘co-writer’) Orson Welles. Nominated for Academy Awards in nine categories, one can be forgiven for forgetting it didn’t actually win Best Picture (that went to […]
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10 Lessons “Taxi Driver” Can Teach You About Scriptwriting

Released in 1976, Director Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver received much recognition at the time, being nominated for four Academy Awards and receiving that year’s Palm d’Or at Cannes, whilst it is still regarded as one of the greatest films of all time in the eyes of both audiences and critics. Whilst writer Paul Schrader was […]
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10 Lessons ‘American Beauty’ Can Teach You About Scriptwriting

Released in 1999 Sam Mendes’ film scripted by Alan Ball and starring Kevin Spacey as Lester Burnham, an advertising executive who experiences a mid-life crisis received many awards and accolades for its screenplay. The film (which actually began life as an unproduced stage play) can be regarded as part of a chain of ‘millennial’ films […]