5 Reasons Why “Alien: Covenant” Will Redeem “Prometheus”

It’s not uncommon to see “Prometheus” on the list of the biggest cinematic disappointments, and for a very good reason. It had everything going for it, all signs pointed to something special, and it was an origin story of the classic Xenomorph creature, directed by the man who introduced us to this creature two decades […]

7 Reasons Why “Moonlight” Deserved Oscar Best Picture More Than “La La Land”

Like many cynical cineasts, I have a rather conflicting relationship with the Oscars. On the one hand, it can be nice seeing your favorite filmmaker win, and if you have an innate fascination with the Hollywood establishment to begin with, it’s essential viewing. But on the other hand, you know none of it really matters. […]

8 Famous Movies That Are Philosophically Misunderstood


As a filmmaker, you aren’t solely responsible for other people’s interpretations of your work. There are arguments to be made that sometimes their messages have become muddled through rather contradictory portrayals – a story of true love motivated by youthful naivety, or the horrors of war undercut by badass action scenes. But sometimes, the viewer […]