Netflix has been repeatedly criticized for its choice of films by the refined film buffs, who claim that it relies too much on the mainstream, leaving little to no space for world cinema or imaginative works that dare think outside the box. While it is arguably true that Netflix does give the most space to […]
Author: Bakir Vremena
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The 10 Smartest Horror Movie Villains

A good film cannot happen without a good hero. That much is clear to everyone. The fact that one cannot happen without a good villain as well seems to have been forgotten by many filmmakers throughout the decades and we have been left with a bunch of cardboard cutouts instead of real bad guys of […]
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10 Film Masterpieces That Need To Be Rediscovered

The non-American and, especially, non-Hollywood cinema, is neglected on a global scale by film goers who are used to seeing the same old tropes recycled to absurdity. Almost every year since the dawn of cinema, a handful of great flicks came out around the world that no one paid attention to that much. Some enjoyed […]
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10 Movie Masterpieces That Need To Be Rediscovered

The word masterpiece is thrown around mercilessly these days and a lot of pictures that don’t really amount to the actual standards of quality get labeled masterpieces by generous critics and unknowledgable audiences. Truth to be told, the definition of the word is not completely defined, nor is it universally agreed upon by film buffs […]
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10 Great German-Language Horror Films You May Have Never Seen

Horror has been depicted in cinema since the dawn of the seventh art: pioneers along the likes of Georges Melies and Ejiro Hatta dabbled with the macabre and the otherworldly in the Fin de siècle period already. As time moved on, it proved to be one of the preffered ways of handling cinematic narratives, both […]
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10 Great Bizarre 1980s Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

When it comes to 1980s cinema, it wasn’t a period that lacked in motion pictures. Though it certainly is not up to par with the bustling 1960s or the groundbreaking 1990s, there were a number of fine pictures made in the period, encompassing almost all genres. The bizarre works were never quite the cup of […]