The 10 Best Scenes in David Lynch Movies

Winkies Diner from Mulholland Drive

David Lynch is an artist whose work has inspired a niche handful of people and conversely perplexed a great many. Some complain that the symbolism is impenetrable and the surrealism is nothing but quirky, pretentious art-house affair and while his detractors make understandable points, Lynch’s work in many ways transcends the noise of mainstream audiences […]

10 Great Movie Scenes That Made Us Forget To Breathe

Se7en (1995)

The Screenwriter. So often forgotten in the process, by audiences and sometimes, even by their own fellow creatives. Yet the screenplay is the cornerstone of every good movie. As the legendary British director Alfred Hitchcock opined, “To make a great film, you need three things: the script, the script and the script”! But what exactly […]