10 Famous Movies That Didn’t Know How To End

So many great films have, for one reason or another, been given less than satisfying endings. Whether it’s because of classic Hollywood censorship or simply a questionable decision from the filmmaker, many of these movies may leave viewers feelings disappointed. However, every film on this list is worth watching in spite of their disappointing endings. […]

10 Great Movies To Watch If You Want Something Interesting

Maybe you are tired of the mainstream cinema bandwagon and aren’t inclined to spend your time watching a profound film that spans several hours. In that case, this list is tailor-made for you, where each entry encompasses several interesting traits and philosophies and the run times are modest. These are genre-bending films that blend important […]

The 10 Biggest Box Office Flops of 2019 (So Far)

This year has been a weird one. Obviously not every movie has been a box office failure, but there were a lot more bombs than anyone could have anticipated. Despite how record-shatteringly successful “Avengers: Endgame” was and how “Captain Marvel” captured the zeitgeist, box office receipts have been low for the most part. We all […]