All 8 Best Picture Nominees From 2020 Ranked From Worst To Best

2020 was certainly an untraditional film year, but despite the odds stacked against cinephiles, the Academy Awards actually produced one of the stronger Best Picture lineups in recent memory. It can be debated whether the eight films chosen are a good representation of what the year in cinema had to offer, but each was worthy […]

10 Great Ozploitation Movies You May Have Never Seen


Ozploitation. Not The Wonderful Wizard of Oz – we’re talking about Australian genre cinema of the 70s and 80s! In the early 70s, Australia’s government decided to create Australia’s own cinema culture by founding the Australian Film Commision. Emerging from the shadows of the Australian New Wave, ozploitation found itself answering to Australia’s primal, grindhouse […]

10 Horror Movie Masterpieces of The 21st Century


The first known horror film dates all the way back to 1896, when the French silent film Le Manoir du Diable shocked audiences with cutting-edge special effects and a dark (for the time) fantasy aesthetic. Over a century later, filmmakers are still constantly engineering new ways to frighten us, whether it’s through eerie special effects, […]