There’s a reason why Emmanuel Lubezki is one of the most renowned cinematographers working in Hollywood today. If you’re thinking that that reason is that he has shot some of the biggest Oscar movies of the last twenty years, you wouldn’t be wrong. But why do directors like Cuarón and Malik continue to team up […]
Author: Alberto Ferrer
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10 Great Films With Cinematography By Robby Müller

The debate over film authorship has always revolved around the director. He or she is the one often bearing most of the credit for a production involving hundreds of people and roles. When Film is discussed in an academic or critical manner, it is always the director who is placed in the role of author […]
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10 Films That Are The Definition of Melodrama

A melodrama is a work of fiction featuring exaggerated characters and intense occurrences. In these stories, emotions are dialed up to further engage the viewer. Character development is substituted by stock characters designed to fulfill particular dramatic and emotional functions. There are clear bad guys and clear good guys. The revival of this type of […]