Horror films can be a cult favorite, fan favorite, or a film of the moment, but regardless, there are plenty of them that get lost in the mix. Once the 1980s rolled in, piggybacking off of exploitation films of the 1970s or the Italian films of the 1960s, the VHS and MTV world carried into […]
Author: Sean Ryan
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10 Great Comedy Movies With Witty Humor

Films can sometimes be described as witty or having great wit, but what exactly does that mean? Utilizing comedy, witty humor is smart, fast, comedic verbosity that delves into the character’s psyche and personality to enhance the scene. In other words, not just dazzling dialogue or quick exchanges but showing the intellect, clever, funny and […]
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10 Great 1980s Indie Movies You May Have Never Seen

Great films come on the horizon and then get lost in time. Thankfully with all the platforms, retrospectives, and digital media, we are able to see these films. Some were acclaimed upon release, and others barely played in cinemas. Regardless, here are 10 independent films from the 1980s you might not know. 1. Parting […]
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10 Great Murder Mystery Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Last year, Rian Johnson delivered a wonderful who-dun-it in vein of Agatha Christie with grains of Hitchcock along the way. It sparked more interest in these kinds of murder mysteries. Well, here are 10 films you might have missed involving murder, ranging from Giallo to comedies to satires, and a few in between. 1. […]
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10 Great Movies That Masterfully Blend Film And Theater

Andre Bazin wrote explicitly about film and theater in his two-volume work, “What Is Cinema?” There was much debate about the originality, adaptation, and staging of early films that continued to be discussed and discovered over the history of cinema. Now, films and theaters are completely different, but certain films and filmmakers fuse the reality […]
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10 Great Cop Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Cop films come and go, and so many have been made since cinema started in the early 20th century. Therefore, a large amount are overlooked, sometimes due to them being released at the wrong time, overshadowed by similar films, or a bunch of reasons we can’t decipher. Therefore, here are 10 great cop films you […]