While not the most obvious candidate to describe what constitutes an action film, the beloved author and satirist Kurt Vonnegut pinpointed the most crucial element of the genre. “Be a sadist,” he advised budding storytellers. “No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them.” In curating a list of […]
Author: John Owen
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The 10 Best Movies That Explore Technophobia

We grow old. We endure pain. We die, rot, and feed worms. And in between all that, our gadgets stay beside us, permanent fixtures that kill time and numb boredom. But how long until our precious gizmos go berserk and betray us? The movies explore these truths, because, however stark and cold, those events embody […]
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10 Great Movies That Perfectly Blend Arthouse With Grindhouse

Ingmar Bergman and Herschell Gordon Lewis walk into a bar, a magical pub populated only with filmmakers. Seated in a smoky corner lit via neon beer sign, Ed Wood and Andrei Tarkovsky gab about science fiction over a couple of bourbons. Elsewhere Lynne Ramsay chalks her pool cue while she debates Roger Corman on the […]
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The 10 Best Possession Movies of All Time

In a possession film, a body becomes a marionette. Some devilish entity grips the proverbial steering wheel, commanding a person’s every move, ventriloquizing their speech, and inflicting pain on those around them. The intent of this infiltration, it becomes clear every time, never stems from a benevolent place. After all, the Dark Prince himself uses […]
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10 Secret Horror Films Disguised As Other Genres

The following synopsis previews a bloodcurdling terrorfest. A zany scientist desires god-tier power, so he invents a shrink ray that reduces his children and their friends to the size of thumbtacks. The result: otherwise humdrum household items become death traps and once harmless insects change into apex predators who stalk the kids through an inescapable […]