Talking about “the best (individual) shots in film” is a difficult task, not only because there’s thousands of equally deserving entries, but because meaning in cinema is usually better conveyed through the succession of frames, shots, and sequences. Concepts like “affinity” and “contrast” play a crucial role in achieving meaningful and lasting images, and although […]
Author: Guillermo Ferrero
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The 20 Best Crime Thrillers of The 21st Century

Violence, deceit, and criminal activities within an urban setting seem to be the main landscape that we most commonly associate with the crime thriller genre. However, these are used more than often as canvases to represent some deeply personal and emotional stories. From self-doubt, hatred and paranoia to jealousy, repentance and fear, the genre is […]
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The 10 Scariest Scenes in David Lynch Movies

With his much discussed background as a painter and all around visual artist, David Lynch’s ability to convey terror and dread through images and sounds have always come across as one of the director’s main strenghts in his work as a filmmaker. His works are equally honest and unassuming as well as being raw, challenging, […]