You might not have noticed, but there’s a new Ghostbusters film out. While your waiting for the sequel to the remake, or grumbling about your stolen childhood, lets have a look at some other fun ghost flicks you might have missed. There is something about the superstition and mythology of ghosts that lends itself to […]
Author: Benjamin Robinson
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The Evolution of David Cronenberg in 10 Movies

“My conceit was that my films would be, in the world of film-making, these emergent creatures that would be unprecedented and not able to have been predicted.” – David Cronenberg When Canadian director David Cronenberg was a child, he wanted to be a scientist. By the time he was in university, inspired by writers such […]
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The 10 Most Shameless Movie Rip-offs of ‘Alien’

When Alien was released in 1979, cinema-going audiences had a similar reaction to the crew of the Nostromo when a phallic monster with sharp teeth burst suddenly from their crew-mate’s chest and scurried away: they were shocked. With its simple plot about a doomed crew of blue-collar astronauts being hunted by a horrible alien, its […]
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5 Great Movies That Describe The 5 Psychological Stages of Grief

As human beings we carry the unique curse of knowing that we exist and that one day we will not. Even though we know we didn’t exist before we were born, the idea of no longer existing after we die terrifies us. It probably shouldn’t, but it does. Eminent psychologist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, in her 1969 […]
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10 Bad Movies That Teach Us How to Make Good Movies

“The bad films have taught me most about film-making” – Werner Herzog If you’re old enough, you’ll probably remember overhearing many a passionate conversation between film-buffs take place within the hallowed rows of the local video store. In the video store we all got to be armchair film-makers. One of these conversations might have gone […]