Filmmakers making films about filmmaking, on paper, sounds as if it borders on the neurotic. But who else but filmmakers know how to guide us into such stories, such worlds. Perhaps the most well-known film on this subject is none other than Fellini’s 8 1/2 (1963), a film which won’t be discussed simply because it’s […]
Author: Alex Matraxia
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10 Great Movies Inspired By Greek Mythology

It has become almost a cliche to compare modern films to ancient myths, and yet it’s all too fitting a comparison, both a way in which to transfer stories across different generations. These stories get retold, re-screened, as they record a certain cultural experience that reflects the times we live in. Film is especially uncanny […]
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10 Great Movies That Defy And Defile Genre

There’s always a sense of expectation when we go to the movies. We have an hunch about how things will end, how many people will die, how many people will fall in love, whether a dark corridor leads towards death or to another world. This is all predicated on genre. We’re prepared for movies which […]