14 Underrated and Entertaining 90s Thrillers No One Talks About

Copycat (1995)

Each decade has its own classics, sequels and rip-offs of those classics, trademarks and clichés. The 1990s were the era of serial killers, as Jonathan Demme and David Fincher pushed the boundaries in their respective hits, “Silence of the Lambs” and “Se7en”, studious were interested in to give us more. Nowadays sex don’t sell as […]

10 Famous Movies That Everyone Missed The Point Of


Film is an artistic medium, and like all artistic mediums, there is the potential to use subtext and allegories and re-appropriation of concepts to make a point about society or politics or religion or culture or the media or, well, pretty much anything. There are plenty of socially conscious directors, like Martin Scorsese or Oliver […]

10 Great Recent Movies Unfairly Rated Lower Than 7.0 on IMDb


The 21st century has been very diverse for the world of cinema. On one hand, we got lots of multi-million dollar blockbusters and superhero movies, which have flooded movie theatres. Unfortunately most of them were just money-making tools, rather than being a piece of art, but on the other hand, we got widely different types […]

The 10 Best Psychological Horror Movies of The 21st Century

Psychological horrors have become something special over the last few years. Not that they ever went into obscurity, but over the last five years or so, there’s been an unbelievable release of uncompromising and challenging psychological horrors that offer an alternative for those looking for something “more meaningful” to their horror. Of late, the perceived […]