When it comes to movie trilogies, the second part is usually the best. Not only does the success of the first film grant its sequel a healthier budget, it also offers the filmmakers a chance to improve, expand, and build on what came before. If each trilogy keeps raising the stakes with each subsequent entry, […]
Author: Allan Khumalo
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The 11 Longest Horror Movie Franchises of All Time

‘Tis the season. Just like their antagonists, horror franchises are hard to kill. Because of their modest budgets, any successful horror movie will most likely get a sequel followed by more sequels and the eventual reboot/remake and possible crossover. Not that we’re complaining. They only keep getting made because we keep watching them. While it’s […]
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10 Recent Movies That Divide Audiences and Critics

While critics and audiences have always had different tastes and opinions when it comes to certain movies, over the past few years it seems those differences have become overly radical. Nowadays, audiences seem to loathe movies that critics praise, and vice versa. If you were to pinpoint one movie over the last that started this […]
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The 10 Best Movie Titles of All Time

The title of a film is perhaps its most important marketing tool. How many times have you wanted to watch a film solely based on its cool, mysterious, or unforgettable title? Even if you aren’t that adventurous, there’s no denying that the title of a film plays a part of importance. Of course, a terrible […]
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All 30 Jake Gyllenhaal Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

Over recent years, Jake Gyllenhaal has become one of the most trustworthy working actors whose movies you’ll watch solely because his name is on the poster (if anyone still picks movies that way). Even when he appears in mediocre movies, you can be sure he’ll give a stellar performance, always giving 110 percent to whatever […]
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The 10 Best Psychological Horror Movies of The 21st Century

Psychological horrors have become something special over the last few years. Not that they ever went into obscurity, but over the last five years or so, there’s been an unbelievable release of uncompromising and challenging psychological horrors that offer an alternative for those looking for something “more meaningful” to their horror. Of late, the perceived […]