Filmmaker Retrospective: The Tragic Cinema of Zhang Yimou


Anger, jealousy, passion, and love are common emotions to all human beings, and this is perhaps why Zhang Yimou’s films appeal to audiences over the world. The universality of the characters and situations he portrays has earned him recognition in the Western film industry. However, he remains loyal to the context in which he places […]

The 20 Greatest Non-Human Movie Characters of All Time


Non-human characters have always been prominent in cinema, presenting to audiences those unique physical, mental and emotional traits that one can unfortunately seldom discover in real life. In the world of film, these non-human characters make it clear that anything can happen, and each in its own distinct manner. But whatever the character in question, […]

15 Great Nordic Thrillers That Are Worth Your Time

best nordic thrillers

The increasing number of Scandinavian thriller and drama novels published over recent years and the amazing success of this literary genre has inspired many filmmakers. As such, many of the following films are book adaptations. Northern countries are ideal locations to shoot authentic and chilling sets within the thriller genre. The main characteristic that underpins […]

20 Great Movies That Were Considered Flops Upon Their Releases


Whether it’s due to a particular film not striking a chord with audiences upon release or the theme being misunderstood, it is not uncommon for masterpieces to sometimes slip under the radar. Often, these treasures patiently wait to resurface through DVD release or television, gaining a slow-burn cult following. For a cinephile, there are few […]

The 10 Best Geek Movies of The Last 5 Years

Dune (Alejandro Jodorowsky)

The true geek is a fussy creature, for he/she is rarely sated. During the 2000s, and decades prior, attempts by mainstream filmmakers to base films on beloved fictional properties pertaining to niche markets and fan-bases were often derided for their lack of interest or care. It was felt there was less interest in creating artistically […]

20 Great Magical Realism Movies That Are Worth Your Time

One of the main characteristics of magic realism is that it eludes definition. Sure, the Merriam-Webster dictionary offers a few definitions, including “a literary genre or style associated especially with Latin America that incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction.” It’s a start. But as the genre has made its way into other […]