10 Great Psychological Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen


Horror is often about creating discomfort, but psychological horror goes for psychological fears more. We get to the inside of these morally ambiguous people’s minds. Those films try to explore darker parts of our minds that sometimes we repress or just don’t want to admit. No wonder it’s the favorite horror subgenre of so many […]

10 Great Slasher Movies You May Have Never Seen

Alone in the Dark (1982)

Slashers are a particular subgenre of horror films that are not always original. The formula can be very simple; somebody in mask comes and kills everybody one by one. However, recently, as obvious from “Happy Death Day” films, it’s always possible to put an original spin into it. “Texas Chain Saw Massacre”, “Black Christmas” and […]

10 Great Films That Didn’t Receive a Single Oscar Nomination This Year

It’s never possible to satisfy everyone with awards or film listings, because tastes are always different, but you at least hope that some of your favorite films are in contention to get at least a little bit of recognition. Unfortunately, more often than not they come up short. This year was the same. To be […]

10 Great Noir Films You May Have Never Seen

The film historian Sheri Chinen Biesen writes in her book “Blackout” that there are two separate strains of film noir—one arose during wartime, the other followed it: “These early noir films created a psychological atmosphere that in many ways marked a response to an increasingly realistic and understandable anxiety – about war, shortages, changing gender […]