It’s hard to find a film where a critic of any kind is portrayed in a positive light. No matter if it’s a horror, drama or comedy, critics are often portrayed as some sort of villains who destroy the main character’s life. Maybe they could have made a narrative fictionalized version of “Life Itself” to […]
underrated movies
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10 Underrated Movies That Are Smarter Than They Seem

It’s not particularly odd for a film to be discarded as shallow and disappointing upon its release only to be lauded and adored years later. Audiences change, and what once was considered trite and strange could be seen in a whole different light by a newer generation. Sometimes it’s a case of a film not […]
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The 10 Most Underrated Movies Made By Legendary Directors

More often than not, the only way to really get a complete understanding of the way that a director works is to watch everything of theirs that is available. Interviews, movies, behind the scenes documentaries… all of it! However, sometimes even this isn’t enough, and this can come as a great disappointment for some film […]
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10 Great Movies Unfairly Rated Lower than 7.0 on IMDB

Far too often, the general movie-going public will rely on an IMDb rating or a Rotten Tomatoes score to determine whether a movie is worth their time. While these can offer a good idea of a movie’s consensus, it’s hardly the zenith of accuracy. Having a divisive audience reaction can easily bifurcate the ratings, and […]
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10 Recent Movies Criminally Underrated by Their IMDb Scores

IMDb, the Internet Movie Database, is something of the audience’s Rotten Tomatoes. The movie-centric website features all the information you could ever desire about every film ever made, and it also gives users an opportunity to rate those movies on a star-system of 1-10. The website’s user-base is decidedly mainstream – some of the highest […]
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20 Movies By Famous Directors That Are Criminally Underrated

Here are some great films which often do not seem to get the attention they sorely deserve. They come from famous directors, or directors that have at least enjoyed some degree of success. Whether they were small-budget debuts, box-office bombs, critically panned, overshadowed by the director’s previous or future work or simply never caught on […]