The 10 Best Horror Movies About Cults


Comfort, security, and shared values are amongst the finest qualities of a healthy society, majority rule keeps people placated and cozy. Many great and enduring horror films are assembled on the fear generated when the protagonists find themselves ousted from the majority, at odds with the lunatic fringe. Instead it is they who are detached, […]

10 Slow-Burn Horror Movies You May Have Never Seen

Kill List

Slow-burn horror is categorised by a gradual feeling of escalation. These films reveal their most horrific content and impressions slowly, and offer a maintained sense of dread without having to frequently offer genre conventions to make the audience fearful. Instead, they unravel at a chilling pace, just in time to satisfy audiences with something that […]

The 15 Best Horror Movies Featuring Serial Killers

When pitted against such stiff competition as aliens, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, zombies, and a stockpile of bloodthirsty and vengeful demons and spirits, it’s easy to overlook and undervalue the murderous mayhem and outright terror that serial killers can mete out in the plasma-splattered halls of horror cinema history. This list will rectify that right away […]