Those who are interested in not only cinema but also in any kind of cultural expression such as literature or music will always find in this list one of the debated aspects when it comes to art, censorship, and control. Many controversial films have been banned by censorship bodies or local or state authorities. The […]
Author: Samuel Lorenzo
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The 10 Most Studied Movie Directors of All Time

It goes without saying that a list of only 10 directors couldn’t contain all the great directors that every student or person interested in cinema must take into account so as to have a wider knowledge about cinema, so it’s understandable that there’d discrepancies. Great directors such as Abel Gance, David W. Griffith, Sergei Eisenstein, […]
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10 Movie Masterpieces That Are Perfect In Every Way

Perfection. How easy is it to write such a popular word that has been the cause of many heated discussions. When writing this list, three aspects were taken into account. First, bearing in mind that it would be a list of 10 films, is there would be a lot of perfect films that would be […]
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The 20 Best Movie Killing Scenes of All Time

Violence has always existed, but not everyone has witnessed or seen a murder as close as the cinema allows. In the history of cinema, a large number of killing scenes have affected moviegoers, staying fixed in their minds forever. Killing someone in real life is illegal, but there’s a double relationship between a censure and […]
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10 Great Movies That Will Make You Go WTF

It’s commonly thought that only those films that are considered to be conventional and constantly praised by mass media are the only ones that are great films. However, there’s a large number of great films that have been overlooked or simply rejected by the audience. The rejection is the result of viewers not being prepared […]