Nothing quite gets families in the spirit of Halloween like coming together to celebrate. Whether that means planning a party, making your own haunted house, or just decorating and watching the best movies of the season, you’ll need a something that satisfies both children and adults in the process. Essentially, you’ll need something visually impressive […]
Author: Sam Lauer
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10 Famous Horror Movies That Happened In Real Life

The genre of horror makes its profits from the exploitation of real human fears and unimaginably disturbing events. Using established and innovative techniques with cinematography and soundtrack to amplify patterns of human fear, films of this genre make their success by knowing what will really make their audience cringe. Thematic subgenres of natural/eco-horror, serial killer […]
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10 Great Movies That Have The Quality of a Novel

Does art imitate life, or does life imitate art? And where does that divide start to blend? Great works of art—whether literature, film, visual arts, or otherwise—make that boundary disappear, and they demonstrate how many artists view life as if through a prism that reflects and diffracts its own reality. Some great works of art […]
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10 Children’s Films That Would Even Disturb Adults

The Motion Picture Association of America makes the rules for American film, from US studios’ access to international markets to the ratings that get slapped on films before they reach audiences’ eyes. Throughout American film history, MPAA has stepped in to lay guidelines for film assessment, yet these rating standards seem to shift every fifteen […]
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The 10 Most Notorious Movies That Won Razzie Awards

If you’ve never heard of the Golden Raspberry Awards, commonly known as the Razzies, film culture has done you a disservice. Every year since the early 1980s, Razzies have been given out to celebrate not the best that film has to offer, like the Golden Globes or the Oscars; instead, they commemorate the “best” Worsts […]
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The 10 Biggest Box Office Flops of 2018 (So Far)

We’re officially half-way through 2018, and it’s already been an interesting year for the big screen. Highly-anticipated Disney sequels have been released alongside some of the most creative super hero and horror flicks to date. Big-name actors have soared, but so have some new faces and names. And, of course, some hardly took off the […]