In the hands of the masters, no form of dramatic expression is more powerful than comedy. The cliché that all comedy is born of tragedy is no exaggeration. Laughter is the strongest defense against what can often seem a terribly cruel and unjust world. At its best, humor laughs at the same moment it commiserates […]
Author: Miguel Cima
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10 Sublime Scenes from Classic European Cinema You Will Never Forget

In cinema, we often speak of what makes a good film. But just as often we discuss the scenes in a film which burn themselves into our minds. Action movies prove to be among the most memorable. The car chase in The French Connection is hard to forget, just as the jungle escape sequence from […]
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8 Legendary Movie Performances Famously Born of Actor-Director Tension

There’s an old joke actors will hear should they suffer from a mishap on the job that produces pain: “Use it.” The idea behind the joke is that a performer should tap into the physical trauma to provide energy to the requirements of an upcoming scene. But when actors and directors clash on a set, […]
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20 Great Movies You Must See on The Big Screen

Among cinephiles, the imploration “You’ve GOT to see this movie in the theater!” is far beyond cliché at this point. We all get excited when we leave the local cinema feeling changed by the experience. It’s a throwback to our cave dwelling days, when community groups would gather for shelter and exchange exaggerated tales which […]