Even though a normal film is between 90 and 120 minutes, there are films that are other kinds of experiences. The greatness of some of these films relies on building a world that requires a longer period of time to be effective. These films displayed a different rhythm and different styles that let us experience […]
Author: German Torres Ascencio
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10 Great Films That Are Perfect Combinations Of Art And Entertainment

Films are often categorized in the two distant poles: those of the commercial films that are focused on entertainment and generating profit, and those of the art house films that are focused on expressing a personal vision that’s far away from any commercial purpose. But there is wide spectrum between these two poles, a spectrum […]
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The 10 Most Humane Movies of All Time

Filmmaking is a focus on the observation of human nature, and while there are films that are great for the critical approach they take toward humanity, displaying its darkest and cruelest side, there are also films that are great because they way in which they display the highest of our species. By creating moments of […]
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The 10 Best Movie Directors Working Today
Contemporary cinema is the home of many styles and approaches toward reality and cinema. Many filmmakers take an extremely critical approach toward cinema and society, while others focus on a simple portrait of humanity and communication. In the contemporary scene, there are filmmakers whose careers have just started and who probably are going to deliver […]
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10 Great Movies Where Sound Plays A Very Important Role

There are some people who argue that sound is 50 percent of the expressive possibility of the film. Though it’s futile to argue the precision of this sentence, there a truth that cannot be denied: when used right, sound and extremely powerful expressive element. The way in which a film builds an atmosphere sometimes is […]
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10 Great Movies That Are Very Difficult To Watch

Most of the greatest things in life involve great challenges, and this also applies to some films. Though there are many films that are great precisely because the clearness they have and the sense of lightness that one has when seeing it, there are others that are different. There are films that, in order to […]