As we head into the third decade of the 21st Century, science fiction in film seems poised to catch up with itself. No other genre lends itself so well to the spectacle of the multiplex, but no other genre can date itself so quickly either. Whether reboot or modern update, science fiction films and television […]
Author: Andrew Bockhold
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10 Forgotten Horror Movies That Need To Be Rediscovered

Not all horror films are campy cult favorites or revered masterpieces. Some are just like tasty junk food that helps you to remember times when it didn’t take much to scare you as a younger viewer. These 10 films are such tasty junk food, but just like a candy bar they have at least a […]
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10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Completely Change Famous Movies

Great and admired films come along every year. Fewer stand the test of time, and even fewer ascend to the status of classics. The films listed here can be considered a few points shy of each level on account of controversy, critical drubbing, audience rejection, reevaluation in light of current trends and events, and of […]