Good casting is always attractive when it comes to the reputation of a movie. One of the most frequently asked question is, who’s in it? Therefore, for several producers and filmmakers, gathering a bunch of respected, well-known or bankable actors is always a priority. For an actor, being nominated even once in his career grants […]
Author: Abdessamia Abdellah
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10 Directors Who Can Direct The Next James Bond Movie
You can flip every conversation or forum on the Internet, and you’ll be able to find a debate about who should/will play James Bond next after Daniel Craig announced he was done playing the iconic character. Even bookmakers are taking bets (right now, Tom Hiddleston is in top position). But the most important question for […]
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10 Directors Who Need a Redemption Movie ASAP
In Hollywood, you are nothing but the last movie you made. Some movie directors learn that the hardest way, failing to find resources for their upcoming movies, sometimes it’s due to their lack of notoriety or reputation but also the fact that they are no more reliable when it comes to box-office results or critical […]
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10 Actors Who Need a Redemption Movie ASAP

If Hollywood loves anything more than money, it’s come back stories. Those last years, we experienced goosebumps when Mc Connaughey got a standing ovation at the Oscars, tears when Ben Affleck gave that impressive speech at the Oscars, we felt pretty impressed by RDJ box office numbers and we are still wondering: was that Mickey […]