10 Movies That Make You Appreciate What You Have

Often we do not appreciate what we have in this life and take the things we do have for granted, our human greed constantly making us desire more when in fact we already have more than enough to lead a good life. The problem is that when we look around us, we often only think and see the people who have more and better things in comparison to us; better looks, more money, a bigger house, better jobs – the list can go on forever.

The problem is that humans have become material beings, and while our head is filled up with this superficial nonsense, we get distracted from things that hold real value.

Your ability to live with the minimum needs – a roof over your head and food on your table as well as friends and family to keep you company already creates a ‘full’ life. But how do we learn to appreciate it? This is of course simple but sometimes we need a bit of stimulation, and what better way to do it than by watching a movie that will remind you to appreciate what you already have.

So, if you are feeling down or like life has thrown a few too many lemons your way and not enough of the good stuff, take some time out to watch these inspirational movies that will put you right back on track by reminding you to cherish and appreciate what you have and to remind you that you are probably more lucky than a lot of people.


10. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (David Fincher, 2008)


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is definitely a movie that will make you appreciate what you have, particularly in comparison to Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt) himself.

The story follows Benjamin who has been born with a strange illness of having the body of an old man as a newborn and growing younger as he grows old. Despite this set back it does not stop him, but in fact encourages him to live his life to the fullest, before he turns into a child and forgets it all.

To complicate things further and to add a challenge of his living, Button falls in love with Daisy (Kate Blanchett), with whom they were childhood friends. Trying to maintain their relationship with the never ending age gap is far more difficult than expected, forcing them to change roles to each other.

Button’s difficult life is sure to serve as an inspiration to appreciate our own lives as it reminds us not to take the things we have for granted and to make the most out of the present just like he did with Daisy despite knowing that it would soon be over.


9. The Intouchables (Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano, 2012)


The Intouchables brings together two very unlikely characters – Philippe (Francois Cluzet), a paralysed millionaire and Driss (Omar Sy) from the ghettos of France’s capital on parole for a robbery. After experiencing the monotony of life in a wheelchair, Philippe is so impressed by Driss’ outgoing manner that he hires him as his caregiver.

As their friendship begins to grow, Driss begins to change Philippe’s outlook on life as he begins to finally live and experience the small joys of everyday living with his caretaker’s help.

It seems the only thing the widowed richman was missing was a true and honest companion – one who is more interested in the person himself than the salary that he will receive from the job, and that is exactly what Driss offers him, reviving him and dragging him out of his days of misery.

Being deprived of a simple human experience like walking or running will definitely teach one to appreciate what they have, and through Philippe’s mental recovery we once again see that our own situation is not that bad and with the right attitude can easily be overcome.


8. Life of Pi (Ang Lee, 2012)

life of pi movie

Whatever negative circumstance you are going through is probably not as bad as being stranded in the vast never ending ocean after losing your whole family to a shipwreck, floating about in a small boat with a huge and dangerous Bengal tiger; that’s why this story will make you appreciate what you have, if only in comparison to the tragic yet inspirational story of Pi.

The story follows the young boy and his family as they make the voyage to Canada with wild animals on board that they are taking with them from their zoo back in India. Unfortunately, after the ship malfunctions, Pi’s whole family drown leaving him alone to fend for his life, that is now not only threatened by the ocean but by his only companion – the tiger who makes his way to Pi’s boat.

As the two make their journey together, running out of both food and water supplies with many dangers to meet them on the way, Pi slowly begins to take advantage of the situation and even appreciate his dangerous companion with whom he learns to get along with and who in times of need and loneliness becomes his only source of hope.


7. Inside I’m Dancing/Rory O’Shea was Here (Damien O’Donnel, 2004)

Inside I'm Dancing

It is always inspiring to see somebody who has less than most to succeed and accomplish happiness in life. And so it is with the tale of Inside I’m Dancing which follows Michael (Steven Robertson) who suffers from cerebral palsy.

Living at the Home for Disabled he finds his days to be boring and repetitive until the arrival of a new patient, Rory (James McAvoy) who like Michael is also stuck in a wheelchair, but unlike him this doesn’t stop him from having fun and living his life. As the two young men begin to bond, they decide to leave their prison and set out on a voyage to happiness, love and friendship – everything they thought they could never have.

The passionate story is inspiring and will make you rethink the way you are living your life, having far more than these two youths.


6. Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1939)

Gone With The Wind

Gone with the Wind will teach you to appreciate what you have for several reasons. Film connects us and makes us associate ourselves with the on screen characters that are living through certain situation, and looking at the life of protagonist Scarlett (Vivien Leigh) who after the civil war is stripped of all of the luxuries she has come to known.

Although arguably not a very likable character, one can’t not admire the bravery of her actions after her great loss, reminding us that we should appreciate what we have for it can easily all be taken away – and if that is the case then make the most of what you have left.

The second part of the movie in regards to her romance with Rhet Butler (Clark Gable) will defintiely make one appreciate their relationships, particularly the people that have been right under their noses all the time as the couple come together and drift apart, without ever fully appreciating each other’s real love.

The movie itself is a timeless masterpiece that tells the story of Scarlett O’Hara as she is put through the personal and worldly difficulties of war and relationships. She is a modern young women, stubborn and very unlike most other ladies of the age which is both her strength and weakness as it helps her to survive in the chauvinistic and patriarchal world she is thrust in but also becomes her downfall when she finally settles down with the man who was there for her all along.