The 20 Greatest Cinematographers Working Today

greatest cinematographers

The term “cinematography” comes from Greek “kinema” and “graphein” that means, literally, “to record movement”. So, the cinematographer (or the director of photography) is one of the most important figures in the development and in the shooting of a movie. Sometimes, this figure is far more important than the director himself. The director of photography […]

The 20 Best Meta Movies of All Time

“Don Quixote” is considered the groundbreaking novel responsible for the beginning of modernism in literature. The thing that made Cervantes’ work special was the way he talked about the novel within the novel, creating a literary world self-aware of literature. In the evolution of any art form, there is a moment when art starts to […]

10 Movies Considered To Be Terrible That Everyone Should Study

“All Bad Poetry Springs From Genuine Feeling” – Oscar Wilde It is a common practice among cinephiles to debate and mock “the worst films ever”, an activity that has given rise to a pseudo genre itself. However, as the canonization of film becomes less and less relevant, and the qualifications for “good” or “high” art […]

The 10 Best Movies of Hirokazu Koreeda

Nobody Knows

Hirokazu Koreeda was born on June 6, 1962, during the uprising of the Japanese economic miracle and in their return as a world powerhouse, industrially speaking. The Japanese cinema also began its change and development into something much more “new-wavish” with the rise of new directors and actors. Although he started as a documentarist working […]