20 Overlooked 80s Thrillers That Are Worth Your Time

To Live and Die in L.A.

The thriller genre was going full steam in the late 1970’s, with the large scale success of John Carpenter’s low budget film Halloween in 1978 propelling the thriller genre forward into the 1980’s. Thrillers were generally made up of more conventional crime films and murder mysteries, or slasher films such as Friday the 13th and […]

25 Great Gangster Movies You Might Have Missed

Since the beginning of the Great Depression and the rise of organized crime, gangsters have fascinated people around the world. Gangster films often portray a human side of the character, almost making them look like both an antihero and a Robin Hood. Considerably categorized as film noir in earlier days, gangster movies dealt with the mafia […]

10 Great Surreal Independent Horror Films That Are Worth Watching


Surrealism and dream-like imagery has been infused in various forms of visual art throughout history. In the cinema, surreal imagery is a crucial part of its distinction from other art forms as it can go further in depicting a dream-like state through montage and time-based storytelling. Stylized cinematic treatment of a hallucinatory dreamstate or a […]