20 Great Comedies About Mental Illness You Shouldn’t Miss

All over the globe, mental illnesses in various degrees affect millions of peoples. Although it is no laughing matter, many great comedy films have been released about the subject matter. More often than not, some contain elements of drama or tragedy to make a statement in an effort to make an awareness point. For some, […]

20 Great Horror Comedies to Watch This Halloween

It’s Halloween, and unless your plans involve going to parties in costume, carving jack-o-lanterns, handing out candy, or playing tricks, the celebration also requires horror film marathons. Why not add some cackles of comedy to your bloodcurdling screams? The following list consists of horror comedies from the last four decades. Some are classics, some from […]

The 20 Best Troma Movies Ever Made

Cannibal The Musical (1993)

Founded by Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Hers in 1974, Troma Entertainment is an American production and distribution company known for low budget films also known as Z-movies, a much lower grade of the B-movie genre. Their content has an abundance of exploitation themes, such as nudity, violence, gore, anarchistic humor and social commentary. Their slogan […]

The 20 Best Banned Horror Movies of All Time

“Catch, catch a horror taxi, I fell in love with my video nasty” – The Damned from “Nasty”, 1982 In the early 1980s, the United Kingdom’s National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association (NVALA), a family values and media-watch organization, went on a censorship campaign to ban and prosecute films for graphic violence and sexual content. In […]

20 Under-The-Radar 1980s Movies You Might Not Have Seen

forgotten 80s sci-fi movies

If it wasn’t for the “B Movie” phenomena, many A-List actors might have not gained much attention from high caliber directors and producers. These particular films usually have a low budget, but possess a certain amount of originality because of various short comings, like plot plausibility, poor acting and cheap effects. Regardless, some develop cult […]