10 Reasons Why “The Shape Of Water” Deserves The Best Picture Award

Guillermo del Toro has been recognized as one of the leading creators in today’s scene, focusing on creating films that add something new and innovative to the table while challenging rigid and lifeless ways of filmmaking. He has explored a wide variety of subjects, but his films always seem to revolve around dark and creepy […]

15 Great Movies That Will Leave You Totally Confused


Being really simplistic, we can divide cinema into two categories: films made by producers and films made by directors. While there are some shining exceptions, the films made by producers are often dumb and disposable; they are films that are seen as an investment, a business from which the producers can profit. This way of […]

The 15 Best Movies About Mistaken Identities

Since the dawn of consciousness, identity has been something that’s complicated to understand, and through the years many philosophers, thinkers and artists have sought to find out what ‘identity’ really is. “Why am I me and not somebody else?”, “What makes me different from the rest?”, “Why does everybody have a different personality?”. While these […]

10 Great Movies So Visually Stunning That They Don’t Need a Plot

Since the dawn of cinema as a popular form of art, storytelling has been ever-present. As in any other art form bound by time, it is inevitable to tell stories; something as simple as a train entering a station already tells a story. This inherent presence of storytelling in cinema has led to several conventions, […]