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Author: David Williams
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14 Great Movie Classics You’ve Probably Never Seen

Here we go again, another attempt to rediscover cinematic gems from the past. We did our best to make this list diverse, because you, the TOC readers, have eclectic tastes that will not be easily satisfied. Hopefully this short list will offer you something to add to your already long watchlist. 1. Thieves’ Highway […]
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15 Great Movie Classics You’ve Probably Never Seen

“They don’t make movies like this anymore!” How many times do we think like this deep in our heart when watching classics? Classics never let us down, but you need to find them first. That’s why we have such a list on such a website. When is the last time you discovered a film so […]
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10 Gems of World Cinema You May Have Missed

Too many great movies, too little time. That’s the universal problem for all cinephiles all around the world. There is no shortcut in terms of picking good movies to watch, but one thing you can do is to avoid Hollywood major productions, keep your mind open, set your eyes on other parts of the world […]
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10 Great Movies of The Past 5 Years You May Have Missed

One of the really annoying things about cinema today is that too many Hollywood blockbusters are overexposed in the media, and small, indie movies from other countries of the world get almost no credit at all. The major mission of this list is to bring such gems to the limelight and introduce movie buffs the […]
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15 Great Movies of The 21st Century You Might Have Missed

Movie recommendation lists are never easy to make, as famous movies don’t need introductions, particularly on a website like Taste of Cinema. Obscure movies sound more appealing, but sometimes you just can’t take the risk of watching a movie you have never even heard of before. So the best way to do it is to […]