Anytime that a movie gets released and is popular or a huge success, some smaller studio is going to try and take advantage of that success and release its own movie that is somewhat similar. It has happened throughout cinematic history but wasn’t more prevalent than during the drive-in, exploitation, and VHS rental craze. Low-budget […]
Day: April 1, 2016
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10 Great Parody Movies That Outlived The Films They Spoofed
The art of the movie parody is one that’s mostly lost nowadays. The last one to hit theaters, Marlon Wayans’ Fifty Shades of Black, was not only crushed by the critics but also mostly ignores by the public, grossing only US$11 million in its whole run. Spoofs were once a staple in Hollywood, though, especially […]
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The 20 Most Controversial Movie Scenes of All Time
Part of the magic inherent to a classic film is that there is no set formula for producing one. Virtually every genre, convention, tone, and method of execution available to the filmmaker has produced at least one masterpiece. Thus, there are no rules totally set in stone for an artistic masterpiece in cinema. Instead, inspired […]
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The 30 Best Spanish Language Movies of All Time
This list focuses on the Spanish-spoken film industry, so all the countries that have Spanish as their main language will enter in “competition”. Argentina, Mexico and Spain are the main countries and greatest contributors to the development of this film industry. Contrary to the Italian film industry, for example, which “died” after 1980s, Spanish-spoken cinema […]