Sometimes, you fall in love. Hey, you just can’t help it. I’m not talking about falling in love with a person or place. I’m talking about falling in love with a movie. You’re so in love with a movie you wish you made it. Maybe that’s what went through these director’s heads when they made […]
Great Recent Films
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10 Great Recent Films You May Have Missed

It is not exaggerated to say that a great number of movies which premiere at International Film Festivals have a short life. Most of them are low-budget arthouse productions that, because of their independent nature, are unable to obtain a proper release in worldwide theaters, which are normally dominated by Hollywood blockbusters. This list presents […]
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10 Great Recent Films You’ve Probably Never Seen

Every year it seems like seven billion films are released. How cinephiles around the world somehow don’t spontaneously combust should be evidence there’s some sort of Divine Being out there. Constantly we’re bombarded with overwhelming indecisiveness when logging into any of our countless streaming services: Criterion Channel, Fandor, Hulu, Kino Now, MUBI, Netflix, TubiTV, etc. […]
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10 Great Recent Films You’ve Probably Never Seen

As wonderful as it would be, there isn’t really any way to possibly keep up with every new release. So many are hard to access, or slip under the radar, or seem uninteresting, and so many films get skipped over by accident or simply forgotten about. Of course, recommendations can always help to catch up […]