Every year it seems like seven billion films are released. How cinephiles around the world somehow don’t spontaneously combust should be evidence there’s some sort of Divine Being out there. Constantly we’re bombarded with overwhelming indecisiveness when logging into any of our countless streaming services: Criterion Channel, Fandor, Hulu, Kino Now, MUBI, Netflix, TubiTV, etc. […]
Author: Max Milner
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All 7 Bong Joon-ho Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

This year a Korean won the most prestigious award at the most prestigious film festival, the Palme D’or from the Cannes Film Festival, making it the first time for a Korean to ever do so. That Korean was not Hong Sang-soo or Kim Ki-duk, or even Lee Chang-dong or Park Chan-wook, it was none other […]