The 20 Best Book-to-Movie Adaptations of The 21st Century

book to movie adaptations

When movies get adapt other media, reactions are either ecstatic or cynical, with more leaning to the latter. And that’s fine. Lots of adaptations never work; just look at all the horrific video game adaptations or the countless young adult films we’ve getting lately. But when they do work, these films complement the source material […]

The 25 Best Transformative Book-to-Movie Adaptations

Apocalypse Now movie

Question one: What do the films, Citizen Kane, Notorious, Chinatown, and Nashville have in common? Answer: They are all great films by great directors which all began as original scripts. Question two: What do the films, The Magnificent Ambersons, Rear Window, Rosemary’s Baby and M*A*S*H all have in common? Answer: They are all great films […]