It’s been a pretty good year for cinema. Lots of good blockbusters to go around that can play well for the kiddies as well as the grown-ups. Indie cinema is still running strong, with horror continuing its strong as hell run that’s been going for a few years now that really went nuts in 2017. […]
Author: Tom Lorenzo
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The 10 Worst Actors To Win An Oscar

The Academy Awards are supposed to be a beacon for the masses of what the elite works in film are in any given year. Most know that the Oscars are usually pretty ridiculous and the best choices aren’t the ones picked. But for the most part, the choices aren’t so wildly off base that absolute […]
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Top 30 Stephen King Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

Stephen King is a towering figure in modern day storytelling. Ever since his debut back in the 70s with “Carrie,” he was a voice to always pay attention to. With each successive year and a new story, he cemented his place in the pantheon of all-time great writers. There may be some naysayers, because anyone […]
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All 19 MCU Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

Ten years ago, the comic book movie world was much different than it is now. It was still in an infancy phase, as these movies would only be set in their own little worlds and show a real tentativeness to building a world that was capable of holding more than one hero at a time. […]
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10 Reasons Why “Ready Player One” Is One of Spielberg’s Best Movies of the 21st Century

It’s wild how after consistently making great, classic and game-changing movies for decades, Steven Spielberg is constantly being second-guessed and undervalued. He makes movies with such ease and such consistency that it’s almost like he’s being graded on a curve. He made “The Post” in a month during post-production on “Ready Player One,” so people […]
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The 10 Most Overrated Superhero Movies of All Time

Superhero movies are everywhere, and they’ve matured from the point they started at in the 70s with “Superman.” These movies are so varied and different that people can have wildly different opinions on which is best. “Logan” is much different in tone and style than “Black Panther,” which is just as different as “Iron Man […]