The 20 Most Beautiful Erotic Movies of All Time

Compiling a list of beautiful erotic movies that everyone wholeheartedly agrees to is mission impossible, as one person’s erotic dream may be another’s nightmare. Like any other idea, the concept of eroticism will differ from person to person. Someone’s idea of erotic could be the actual physical act of lovemaking whereas another’s could be eroticism […]

10 Movie Directors Who Make The Most Rewatchable Films

First let’s underline what constitutes re-watchable movies. According to popular notion, and by which we too abide by, films that can be absorbed easily and enjoyed wholeheartedly tend to be the ones that are most popular, even during reruns. But there will be pockets of niche audiences who go back to a movie for reasons […]

The 10 Deadliest Movie Characters of All Time

Anthony Hopkins, Silence of the Lambs

Choosing ten ‘deadliest movie characters of all time’ from over a century-old history has been quite a task. As a result, some deadly characters that deserve inclusion might be excluded. Even before starting out to collate the ‘deadliest movie characters of all time list’, there was little ambiguity about a few of them. Topping the […]