The 30 Best Movies About Doubles And Doppelgangers


Doppelgängers, doubles, and evil twins. Such notions have been a feint of storytelling for centuries. Shakespeare explored it in “The Comedy of Errors”, as did Alexandre Dumas in “The Man in the Iron Mask”, and both Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities” and Poe’s “William Wilson” exploited the idea just ahead of Dostoevsky’s famed and […]

Aaaaaaaah! – VIFF 2015 Review


Aaaaaaaah! is adventurous and bombastic postmodern cinema, full stop. Puritans, the easily offended, the mild-mannered and the populist filmgoer need not apply. And this, trust me, is a very good thing. Steve Oram, best known as the co-writer/co-star of Ben Wheatley’s unruly serial killer comedy Sightseers as well as a string of lacerating comedic shorts, […]

Ninth Floor – VIFF 2015 Review

Ninth Floor

Previously held in celebrated esteem as an indie filmmaker of fiction, Mina Shum (Double Happiness) makes a fearless ascent into non-fiction with the tender and deep-toned Ninth Floor. Shum’s sentient gaze makes for tout de suite intelligence as she smoothly sweeps up the viewer from the outset, revisiting a scandalous episode of institutionalized racism, the […]