Unfortunately, the 2020s haven’t delivered on the thriller front so far. There were some good thrillers like Soderbergh’s “KIMI” or the indie film “Emily the Criminal,” but not many films of recent years feel like instant classics in a way “Silence of the Lambs” or “Se7en” turned out to be. No need to worry, because […]
Thriller Movie Classics
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10 Thriller Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

“The thriller is the most popular literary genre of the 20th century.” — Ken Follett From its inception with The Great Train Robbery (1903), to the ‘40s noirs, to the present slew of titles, what is clear is the thriller genre possess never-ending popularity. While some genres seem to ebb and flow, one can be […]
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10 Thriller Movie Classics You’ve Probably Never Seen

Thrillers come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from films like Shadow of a Doubt to The Silence of the Lambs. Thrillers are interchangeable, sometimes dipping their toes in other genres such as action, horror, mystery, fantasy and western. But one thing any great thriller should have, is the audience’s attention. An effective thriller needs […]
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10 Great 1980s Thriller Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

The 1980s was an excellent time for thrillers; Blow Out, Gorky Park, Frantic, the list goes on and on. We all know them, and some of us love them. But some films, although just as good, can get left behind. Due to little or no exposure on streaming sites or never getting that fancy Blu-ray release, some […]
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10 Thriller Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

As one of the most prolific and best loved genres in film there is an overabundance of quality cinematic thrillers. Amongst so much competition it is easy to miss out on hidden gems. What is more there are so many flavours of suspense, tension, chase, twists and all the other ingredients that make a good […]