There are a combination of reasons why some masterpieces fly under the radar, are overlooked, or pass quickly from people’s memory. One factor that rings true for many of the following films is that they come from countries enfolded in political turmoil, limiting their distribution. Several of them are Eastern European and others have directors […]
Author: Zach Mosher
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10 Great Movies That Provoke Strong Emotions

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of watching a film that resonates with them so deeply, pulling apart the sinews of their heart, that one cannot return to them in fear that they are too hard to bear a second time or that their magic will be lost. In each case, the films uncover a […]
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10 Great Movies That Celebrate Youth

Films that celebrate youth are beloved by audiences and directors alike, explaining why the genre has new entries every year. Those worthy of our time are like a looking glass that one watches but also steps through, rediscovering a part of our former selves previously lost to the dark waters of the unconscious. This nostalgic […]
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10 Great Early Films That Anticipate Directors’ Later Styles

One is wont to mention auteur theory these days since the overuse of the term has been misappropriated to describe dilettantes shooting films on their I-Phones. The initial idea of the auteur was a director whose filmography exhibits a stylistic pattern specific to them. When talking about early films that foresee a director’s later style, […]
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10 Great Movies That Are Hard To Love

Nobody is a stranger to the conflicting feeling of eagerly sitting down to watch what has been described to them as a great film, only to realize from the opening scenes that the two hours and change left to the movie’s runtime is going to be a battle of endurance. Another analogous film going experience, […]