The 10 Most Poetic Horror Movies of All Time


Regardless of the periodic contrasting suggestion from the filmmaking community, there are more similarities than differences between poetry and film. Both art forms engage aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of form in their implementation; the poem uses the metre and sound symbolism, whereas film uses both visual and sound-based association in their favor. When the emotions […]

10 Great Movies Overshadowed By Famous Movies With The Same Theme

Famous Polish director Krzysztof Kieślowski once expressed his wonder at the fact that how different men, at different moments, at different places with different social statuses, can assemble a single musical note in the same way. This unification of mankind was one of the recurring themes in his films, dependent upon this very idea that […]

10 Directors Whose First Movies Were Nominated For Best Picture


Experience rewards a person in any sphere of life. As humans grow older, their corresponding works of art start to address more emotionally complex and mature themes, as well as the logical and technological prowess that gives them ample power to manipulate the medium of their choice. The film medium is arguably the best, albeit […]

10 Movie Sequels That Are Completely Different Than The Original

We live in a world of numerous remake, reboot, sequel, prequel, spin-off, and cinematic universes. These terms are so similar; yet, so different in definition, that it can drive a potential viewer to disregard them completely. Although, in the 21st century, a largely derogatory connotation is attached with movie sequels in the film buff’s mind […]

10 Movies That Should Have Been Made By Another Director

There is a variant of Edmund Wilson’s prophetic quote from “The Triple Thinkers,” spread all over the internet, that states “No two persons ever read the same book.” The original quote is, “In a sense, one can never read the book that the author originally wrote, and one can never read the same book twice,” […]